Ah, poha and tea: best way to start
the day. It is time for the third blog post already. I am enjoying writing
these days, and I hope you are enjoying to read my thoughts and opinions as
week’s biggest highlight is that I was sick for 6 out of 7 days. Being sick, I
couldn’t do much. My backlog of TV series just got bigger and I couldn’t read
HP6 as well. Couldn’t practice keyboard or Italian. It has been a miserable
week to say the least. Hope to be in perfectly healthy before the weekend.
I am so
goddamn excited to be going home on this Friday. By this time next week, I
would have written a post from home. I’m looking forward to 9 days of
undisturbed peace, great food, festive atmosphere and most important of them
all, great people. People for whom, you would give anything to spend time with.
Stannis’s death confirmed
Game of
Thrones confirmed this week that Stannis Baratheon is indeed dead. Killed by
Brienne of Tarth, who fulfills her wish of avenging Renly. Pretty lame story,
if you ask me. !ShowStannis is a religious zealot who does whatever he wants.
He is portrayed as a very different character from !BookStannis. Keeping that
in mind, I think Stephen Dillane has done a wonderful job and played the part
to perfection. The show only lived up to its reputation of serially killing the
best characters in each season. I’m more concerned about its implications on
the book, The Winds of Winter. At the end of ADWD, Stannis is close to
Winterfell, with a sizeable army and facing a daunting task of defeating
northmen in their own backyard. However, Stannis has been portrayed as a
brilliant military commander who understands his strengths and weaknesses. Many
redditors detailed some great theories about how the Battle of Ice will go
about. I guess everyone will be disappointed. I sincerely hope that GRRM keeps
Stannis alive until he kicks Ramsay Snow’s butt and restores Winterfell under
Rickon Stark(dream scenario, but difficult). Now we just wait for the book to
find out.
Some book quotes by the great character:

“It is not a
question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert's heir. That is law. After
me, it must pass to my daughter, unless
Selyse should finally give me a son. I am king. Wants do not enter
into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved
me but little, I know, yet he was my brother.”
“We all know
what my brother would do.
Robert would gallop up to the gates of Winterfell alone, break them with his warhammer, and ride through
the rubble to slay Roose
Bolton with his left hand and the
Bastard with his right. I am not Robert. But we will march, and
we will free Winterfell … or die in the attempt.”
Arsenal, Italian, Keyboard:
the Gunners, it has not been a good week. We won at home to Everton, lost
embarrassingly to Sheffield Wednesday and lost 2 of our key players to injury. The
early news regarding their expected returns is that both are out until the next
international break. Bad news at a critical juncture in the season, indeed.
I am
almost done with the Duolingo course, just 5 more lessons to go. And then, I
will start translating stuff for real. Can’t wait to get started. I can also
get started with French, if I can take some more time out for it.
I feel
a tinge of regret that I haven’t made enough progress at keyboard. I’m stuck at
the same song, though at a different portion. I think, over this weekend I’ll
practice it enough to be able to move on to the next one.
PS to the readers:
If you
are reading this, it is mandatory for you to give me feedback about the style,
content, tone, language, etc. You may comment here, or text me, drop me a mail
or for that matter, write me a letter. But please do let me know your opinions.
They matter a lot to me and I hope, with your help and feedback, I would be
able to improve!
I’m off to read, and do chores of my mundane monotonous life!
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