How awesome they are! Do you go 5
minutes without asking one? Be it in my mind or out loud, questions continually
pop up in my head. What questions you ask? Oh, questions related to anything
and everything. Some really good ones, some bad ones, some evil, some sad, some
angry, some curious, some genuine, some fake, some new, some old. Many
questions are repeated over the weeks, months, or even years. Is the purpose of
life to find answers to our questions? (Note that even this statement became
a question!)
Do you remember the times you used
to question everything? How does a car work? How does a lorry work? Why do I
have to go to school? When can I eat ice cream? Where is the train? When can I
go to play? When will I get older? What is the meaning of this? Why is she sad?
How do I do this? These were probably easy ones. People answered them, most of
the times convincingly. They thought I asked too many questions. Even then,
they took pains to answer me. Sometimes they did not know the answers
themselves. But they first found out the answers, then made it easy for me to
understand, and then explained to me patiently. And me being me, I asked
questions about their answers.
As we started getting older, questions
started to multiply. We saw so many sights, people, places, events, joys and
sorrows. It was impossible not to question them. My curiosity knew no limits. Questions
were overflowing in my head. How does the TV work? How to go to America? What
is war? Why do people become sick? Why do some people wear a burqa? How are babies born? Explaining
these to a young person is tricky. Knowing that any answer will only invite
more questions, they started answering my questions in less detail. They told
me places where I could find answers.
Questions became less clear and
more piercing as we grew older. Why do people use cuss words? Why do some
people on TV wear such skimpy clothes? Why did I get a half ticket even though I am
13? Why did you eye that person with suspicion just because he had a long beard?
Why do you worship that stone? Where is God? Why are bad things happening? Needless
to say, these questions weren’t answered. Some questions weren’t even
entertained. The “answer” was to do as told, no questions to be asked.
Naturally this didn’t satisfy my curiosity.
But my questions weren’t over yet. I
just had no one to ask them to. Maybe friends? Nope. I mean, different people
had different opinions, faiths, and so on. One might think that the question is
derogatory and the asker is crazy. Who knows how people will react under such
situations? Thence started the fear of asking questions out loud. The number of
questions did not diminish, they just weren’t asked. Some things were just
accepted as fact, some were accepted because there was no choice, some, because
that is just the way things are done.
Adulthood is probably full of this.
Questions were now not just unanswered, they were left unasked. Imagine a world
where any question could be asked, freely! And probably get an honest answer as
well. It would be a good world. Even people who don’t generally ask questions
would get theirs answered. It would allow for free flow of knowledge, experiences,
thoughts, joys, sorrows, and most importantly, love. A lot more of romance, if
truth be told. :)
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