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Showing posts from December, 2017

2017 review

It is the end of 2017, and I have had a colorful melange of a year. Things went north, south, east west, and some didn’t even move! This was the first year I took a few new year resolutions, and even worked towards them. I traveled far and near, met a lot of people(by my "lofty" standards) and learnt a lot of things. The Ambarish of 2018 will be very different from the 2017 version.   Let me review my 2017 resolutions, and where I stand: Get better at piano: Sadly this hasn’t happened. Mostly due to lack of time, I didn’t even touch my keyboard for the past few months. I have a lot of other important stuff on my plate now, and keyboard was the first to be put on the back burner. Write more: Yes! I wrote more, and not only did I write more, I also thought more. I put more effort into each and every blog post. Heck, I even wrote poetry. I have an idea for a detective novel, and I am building the characters in my head. Writin...

The heroes at my workplace

The cleaners: They make all the tables spick and span irrespective of what we spill on them, coffee, biryani, curd, soft drinks, and what not! Sometimes, I feel people just take the cleaners for granted, which is quite sad for a bunch of educated people like us. The washroom cleaners: They are always there to make the room fragrant and hygienic. I really salute you guys, and I just can't imagine what the work place would become into, without you guys! The guy who puts milk into the coffee machine: Some of the most memorable conversations happen over coffee at the coffee tables across the whole floor, and this guy goes around, and makes sure the conversations continue and everybody has something to drink. An unsung hero is this guy. The coffee guy in the filter coffee shop: This guy keeps all his customers awake! By making them coffee of their desired strength, he keeps people alert, and the conversations flowing among friends in different companies, but same bui...