It is the end of 2017, and I have had a colorful melange of a year. Things went north, south, east west, and some didn’t even move! This was the first year I took a few new year resolutions, and even worked towards them. I traveled far and near, met a lot of people(by my "lofty" standards) and learnt a lot of things. The Ambarish of 2018 will be very different from the 2017 version. Let me review my 2017 resolutions, and where I stand: Get better at piano: Sadly this hasn’t happened. Mostly due to lack of time, I didn’t even touch my keyboard for the past few months. I have a lot of other important stuff on my plate now, and keyboard was the first to be put on the back burner. Write more: Yes! I wrote more, and not only did I write more, I also thought more. I put more effort into each and every blog post. Heck, I even wrote poetry. I have an idea for a detective novel, and I am building the characters in my head. Writin...
My thoughts, rants and more